NHS Screening Programmes for non-pregnant adults

The NHS offers several free screening programmes for adults who are not pregnant– the purpose of these is to detect early signs of conditions that could lead to serious health problems, including cancer, but with early detection and treatment the risks can be reduced. We strongly encourage you to take part in all of these screening programmes.

Cervical screening - NHS (www.nhs.uk) is for women age 25-50 (every 3.5 years) and 50-64 (every 5.5 years). Our practice nurses can do this test for you. If you have received an invitation and wish to book a smear appointment please contact reception. If you are newly arrived in the UK and have not had an NHS cervical screening test please also book for one.

Breast screening (mammogram) - NHS (www.nhs.uk) is for women age 50-70. Eligible women registered at our practice are all invited at a similar time every 3 years to have breast screening at the Oxford University Hospitals screening unit. The next round of screening for 19 Beaumont Street patients will be Spring 2024.  More information about the local breast screening unit is here. Women aged over 70 are eligible for a mammogram every 3 years but will not be routinely invited – please contact the Oxford Breast Screening clinic to book an appointment: 01865 235621 or on the link above.

Bowel cancer screening - NHS (www.nhs.uk) is for everyone aged 60-74 – a testing kit is sent in the post every two years. People aged over 74 can request a kit every 2 years by calling 0800 707 6060.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening - NHS (www.nhs.uk) is a one-off ultrasound scan of the aorta for men in the year they turn 65. If you are eligible and have not been screened you can arrange this thought this link or by calling 01865 572636.

Important notes:

  • There is not a PSA screening programme at present – the reasons are explained here.
  • You will be recalled for screening programmes based on the gender you are registered as with the NHS. If your registered gender is different to your birth gender you may not be automatically invited for all screening programmes which are relevant to you. More information here. Please do not hesitate to book a GP appointment if you wish to discuss this further.
  • The NHS also offers screening programmes in pregnancy, for children and for people with diabetes. More information can be found here NHS screening - NHS (www.nhs.uk)