We take the safeguarding and care of our patients very seriously.

The safety and welfare of patients who come into contact with our services is paramount and all staff have a responsibility to ensure that best practice is followed, including compliance with statutory requirements.

We work within agreed policies and procedures and in partnership with other agencies to ensure the risk of harm is minimised.  We are supported in doign so by our commissioners, NHS Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB) .


Reporting safeguarding concerns

If you have any safeguarding concerns regarding an adult you can find out how to report them here How to report concerns - Oxford Safeguarding Adults Board (osab.co.uk). If you have any safeguarding concerns regarding a child you can find out what steps to take here Report child abuse | Oxfordshire County Council

If you have any urgent safeguarding concerns and would like advice from our team please contact us to ask for a call back from the duty doctor. If you would like advice outside of practice hours please call 111.

If you have non urgent concerns or wish to see our safeguarding policy please contact us and we will direct your enquiry to the most appropriate member of our team. 

All concerns will be treated seriously and confidentiality will be maintained to the fullest practical extent.

For further information and support please click to see organisations supporting vulnerable adults and/ or vulnerable children