Eating Disorders

Oxford ‘Student Minds’ Eating Disorder Group meets weekly throughout term to support students with eating disorders. The group is run by a team of trained student volunteers, making the meetings friendly and relaxed. Student Minds aims to bring students together to share strategies for managing mental health, to talk honestly in a safe and pro-recovery environment.

eating disorders

The group has a pro-recovery focus. Each session has a suggested discussion topic, such as settling into university or talking to friends, but you are welcome to bring along any topic of your own which you would like to discuss. There is no need to sign up, just drop by and say hello. Visit the Student Minds website or email Student Minds.


Useful books

Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating
Peter Cooper: (2009)
Contains educational material about bulimia and binge eating disorder, including information and warnings about the dangers associated with repeated vomiting. The book provides comprehensive self-treatment programme, with detailed strategies to help the reader control bingeing and purging.

Overcoming Binge Eating
Christopher Fairburn: London: Guilford Press (2005)
Provides clinicians, sufferers, and interested others with an authoritative and accessible account of binge eating problems.

Getting Better Bit(e) by Bit(e)
Ulrike Schmidt and Janet Treasure: Psychology Press (1993)
This easy-to-read book motivates people with eating disorders (principally, bulimia and binge eating disorder) to take control and tackle their eating difficulties by themselves. Provides essential information about food, the body, dieting, the ill-effects of vomiting and laxative abuse. Describes self-help strategies for many areas of life. Further readings, attractive and funny cartoons, and detailed practical advice.

Breaking Free From Anorexia Nervosa
Janet Treasure: Psychology Press (1997)
Includes sections for parents and other carers alongside a section for the sufferer. Tries to ensure that family and professionals collaborate and co-operate in order to overcome the power of the illness. Many families have used and commented on various versions of this book, and have helped to form its content. Experiences and problems have been shared, and solutions generated.