
We are the college doctors for 12 Oxford University Colleges*. If you are studying at one of these colleges we strongly encourage you to register with us as an NHS patient. If you are a member of one of these colleges and are not already registered you can register online here

Please note we are only able to register patients at an address within our practice area.  You can check whether your address is within the practice area here

The NHS services we provide are confidential, but if necessary, and with student consent, we can help our student patients liaise with their colleges and the university if health problems are affecting academic studies, or if adjustments need to be made due to health reasons. This includes providing university medical certificates and other supporting documentation if required by the university.

All the colleges provide health and welfare support to their students and we encourage you to access these college based services. Information about the wider university health and wellbeing services can be found here. Many colleges have college nurses available on site – more details and surgery times available from individual colleges.


Oxford University Medical Certificates

If you are an Oxford University student and have been advised by your college or department to obtain a formal university medical certificate please carefully read the information below AND Annex I of the Oxford University Guidance on exam adjustments.  If having read this you feel a certificate is required from us please complete and return the form below. Please note that we adhere closely to the guidance when providing medical certificates.

Please also note the following;

  • If the recommendation to obtain a certificate has come from a relatively junior member of staff please check with your academic office or senior tutor first.
  • If you have seen your college nurse about the matter (if you have one) they may be able to provide certification instead of a GP.
  • If you have had support from the University Counselling Service or the University Disability advice service please contact them about this BEFORE you contact us as they can often provide the necessary certificates. This is particularly relevant if you are requesting exam adjustments and have a Student Support Plan (SSP) with recommended adjustments – there is usually no need for a medical certificate that is simply repeating what is recommended in the SSP.
  • We may need to see or contact you to discuss your certificate, especially if you have not recently seen us for any medical condition involved.
  • For conditions that have resolved and/ or for which we do not have any medical evidence for, we are unlikely to be able to provide certificates.
  • Certificates will be sent directly to your college.
  • Please allow 5 working days for completion of a medical certificate. If it is required more urgently please ask your college to liaise directly with us once you have returned your form to us.
  • Please be aware that these certificates are not  covered by the NHS. The colleges we are college doctors for* have made arrangements for us to provide these to their students, but if you are at one of the other colleges there will be a charge.

Medical certificate for students

* Balliol, Exeter, Green Templeton, Harris Manchester, Kellogg, Linacre, Nuffield, Pembroke, Queens, St Johns, University and Wadham.